Saturday, August 18, 2007

before i get down to really studying and all. and forget what i said.
reflection corners are located all over the school.
kenny said sth like up to around 5 corners so we can sort of split into 5 unique designs of our own. well. or we can stick to one.

we talked about decorating the corners with tripod or sth. in the middle to hold frames of pictures. amongst other things.. like candles at night, or music? well. i dont know, i'm throwing out ideas.

then as the discussion went on, i was thinking of making tripod that can house the group so they'll be under this tripod, such that the frames of pictures will separate them from the space ouside..
then i went on developing the idea into an octopod.. remembering the times i had (we had) during sec 3 pltc where i sat with the patrol on the horizontals having PIC with wen wei.
so yarh. that's for the pioneering part. of course this is just an idea and i dont know if it would be too large to build or no space in the school compound to house it. i wouldn't know how it would feel/look like when we actually construct these spaces too. so the idea's still open to discussion and fine-tuning, if not a total scrap and rebuild. basically if we just want to make it stand out and make this unique space a nice place to sit down, relax and reflect. so yarh.

study hard dudes.
=) we'll see each other real soon.
(darrick jiayou for your prelims! it's almost over! =))

Friday, August 17, 2007

Meeting update =D

This is to summarise the meeting held last weekend.
Please note that I'm not the secretary type.
So, this might be kind of messy.

Anyway, we have a total strength of five, so far: darrick, sean, jeremy, junhow and myself.
We can recruit some people to join us in the sub-committee, whether they are scouts or not.
Scouts are needed for pioneering for stepping base.
Non-scouts are needed for their brains.
Oh. Joking. Scouters, please don't kill me.

Going on, junhow is our 'quartermaster', taking care of all the logistical stuffs. We shall work in a joint leadership manner. I'm just the representative, not leader. I'll do the liaising of meeting and overlook the communication relay system. Jeremy and darrick will be jointly put in charge of the opening and closing ceremony of the reflection. Sean would be our public relation manager and the speaker of the reflection team when there's a need to. It should be noted that we should be flexible in our roles and work collectively. Studies have shown that collective wisdom has always benefited society in many ways.

Okay. Next up, our task! There are five days of reflections with five different themes. Two of the days are being covered by jeremy and darrick, which are the opening and closing ceremonies. The three days will be taken care by sean, junhow and myself with one person taking charge of one reflection. Additionally, we are to design reflection corners around the school to allow the delegates to have a space for some personal reflection. The locations are to be confirmed after prelims. Tentatively, each of us will come out with one design each. No plagiarism. Original work only. Hehe =D Junhow, please brief us on the nature of the reflection corners and the examples that you have given during the meeting last weekend.

That's all, folks. I am going back to mug. See you! =D


Hello people.
I was thinking a blog would make it easier for all of us to communicate.
Since we are constantly kept busy by the heavy workload for A Level.
Let us try to come out with ideas and just throw it all inside on this blog.
Then, after prelims, we can meet once or twice to talk through everything.
Anyway, just brainstorm for ideas when you are not doing your studies or when you are taking a rest from studying.
A Level is so energy consuming.
All my energy has been sapped.
Give me some time to figure how to let you all access the blog.